oregano omelette.

The Perfect Sunday Recipe:- Cheese, oregano & chili flakes Omelette

Tell Me, What’s that one day that you keep waiting for the entire week?

Yes, that’s the Sunday.

Gen Z might say Friday or Saturday, but ask yourself, does Friday and Saturday brings the same tranquillity as Sunday does? You will get your answer. There is something different in the Sunday air, so the Sunday breakfast has to be different too.


The Breakfast term was coined in the early 19th century when some middle-class men started to work regular hours in offices – before that people would often work for a few hours, then eat a meal at about mid-noon. Precisely,  Sunday breakfast derives its root from the practice of Catholics fasting before mass (Early Sunday morning prayer in church) and then sitting down for a large meal.

Cheese, chili flakes omelette.

How would you want to start your Sunday morning? Well, the perfect Sunday morning breakfast should be fresh, tasty, and healthy, it should fuel your body and taste buds. Many would say it’s a tough combination but we at naturesmith will make your job easier. Omelette is one dish that is easy to make, is full of health benefits, and can be made lip-smacking as well with the perfect choice of Naturesmith’s Herbs and seasonings.


We all know how to make an omelet so we are not going there, but how to make the tastiest Sunday morning omelet requires a bit of description, once you have your omelet prepared, grate some cheddar cheese between the folds, it will keep melting between them. For oregano there are two ways, you can use the naturesmith oregano premium, the fresh oregano herb handpicked directly from turkey, for best use of naturesmith’s oregano premium, add the naturesmith’s oregano premium herb before beating the eggs in a bowl with a fork/spoon/egg beater after you have broken it, put some oil in the pan and let the omelet cook evenly.

Cheese, oregano & chili flakes omelette.

If you are lacking behind time on Sunday morning then use the Naturesmith’s oregano seasoning sprinkler, sprinkle it after you have cooked the omelet, In both cases whether you are using naturesmith’s oregano premium or naturesmith’s oregano seasoning sprinkler, make sure you adjust the salt to suit your taste because oreganos will come with its bit of saltiness. Next, to make your omelet a savory or, if  you are someone who likes the heat, sprinkle some dried chili flakes (crushed red pepper flakes) from the naturesmith’s chili flakes sprinkler can and let it do the magic for your taste buds


you must be thinking why are we focussing here on omelets with cheddar cheese, oregano, and chili flakes there are other options for Sunday breakfast as well, the answer lies in the health benefits, Omelettes are packed with protein and healthy fats. Eggs help in regulating cholesterol levels in the body and improve eyesight since they are high in Vitamin A, Cheddar cheese is a good source of calcium—one of the most important nutrients for promoting bone health. People who maintain a diet rich in calcium are less likely to develop osteoporosis. The vitamin K in cheddar cheese also plays a valuable role in promoting bone health, Oregano is rich in antioxidants and it reduces inflammation in the body which is the cause of so many health problems, chili flakes Improves Digestive Health, Metabolism and also is anti-inflammatory.

chili flakes omelette

This awesome combination of proteins, vitamins, calcium antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory nutrients is what makes us recommend this recipe as a perfect Sunday morning breakfast. If you still don’t believe us, believe the great Napoleon Bonaparte, he with his army was traveling through southern France, they decided to rest for the night near the town of Bessières(The city where omelet is said to be discovered). Napoleon feasted on an omelet prepared by a local innkeeper for the first time and thought it was a culinary delight. He then ordered the townspeople to gather all the eggs in the village and to prepare a huge omelet for his army the next day.


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