How To Make Healthy Thin Crust Pizza At Home?

All of us have heard the quote, MONEY CANNOT BUY HAPPINESS, next time when someone says it ask them, have you SPENT your MONEY ON PIZZA?

How to make healthy thin crust Pizza at home

Not taking the lines literally, but That’s the aura of this magic food; we millennials always say that pizza is the perfect medicine to cure disappointment. There is no better feeling in this world than a warm thin crust pizza box on the lap with Netflix on.


make healthy thin crust Pizza at home

Steps to make a healthy thin crust pizza at home

1- Why thin crust that is too multigrain? — Thin crust is a win-win situation. It removes the extra carbs of the flour dough, you can always choose options of multigrain thin base dough, and thin-crust also allows the flavors of the toppings to be truly savored. If you’re wondering where to get the perfect multigrain thin crust pizza base from, just hop on to the superstore nearby or browse amazon.


Thin crust Pizza at home

2- The Cheese “Keep it real” – There is a common misconception that cheese is unhealthy — FALSE. Real cheese complements a healthy diet, providing calcium and protein. On the other hand, “cheese substitutes”, which are sometimes used by companies to reduce their costs, are the ones to avoid. Cheese is the one element that binds the crust to its toppings, so never compromise when it comes to its quality. In other words, keep the cheese real and don’t look for ways to eliminate it, but rather substitute it. There are many brands on the internet selling real cheese still. If you have difficulties, the easily available healthy substitutes are Feta cheese, goat cheese, and provolone.

Thin Pizza at home

3- Don’t Forget the toppings- With a healthy, whole-grain crust that serves as a solid foundation, and real cheese, you’re now ready to move on to the final element of the healthy pizza- the toppings, here you can try a lot of healthy options depending on your taste and nutritional requirements ex- spinach, tomato, broccoli, grilled chicken, mushrooms, etc. There is N number of healthy combinations you can try on toppings. The secret to finding the best one is- Keep Experimenting.


What’s next?- The game-changer for your taste pangs

You must be wondering all the things written above sound bland; what is in it for the tastebuds? Well, here is the answer- Once you have baked your pizza and it’s out of the oven, add naturesmith’s oregano seasoning. It’s a perfect blend of aromatic herbs & spices, this classic
Mediterranean seasoning blend has a strong garlic flavour. It gives an edge to your pizza & adds a vibrant flavour to it. The perfect combination of Garlic Granules, Salt, Oregano, Basil, Black pepper, Paprika Powder & Chili Powder, all of these ingredients are anti-inflammatory/antioxidants in nature. And for those who want to experience extra heat and enhance the hotness of pizza, you can add naturesmith’s chilli flakes as the spicy zing to your food.

Write about your healthy pizza experiments in the comment section, and we will be waiting to know your story.


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