Chia Seeds: It’s Got the Super-Food Tag For a Reason

Are Chia seeds part of your grocery list? If not, you may be missing out on this wonderful food. Not only are they packed with nutrition, but they can also be easily included in your lifestyle in a variety of ways that are most enjoyable too.

Chia Seeds Its got the superfood tag for a reason

Chia seeds are believed to be native of Central America where the seed was a staple in the ancient Aztec diet (Aztec were people who ruled over Central America). Chia seeds are also said to be the grains that Mayan and Aztec warriors carried when they traveled for expeditions.


Warriors’ food

Chia Seeds are packed with nutrition, just the kind warriors needed. Chia seeds are high in essential fatty acids which are great for strength and endurance. They are one the best sources of plant protein and 18 to 24% of their mass consists of proteins. Chia seeds are also high in Omega-3 which helps lower inflammation and is good for all lifestyle diseases triggered by inflammation such as heart diseases, etc. The calcium in chia seeds is 5 times higher than in milk. It is also a good source of potassium, magnesium, selenium, and several other micronutrients.

Chia seeds are low in net carbohydrates. 100 grams of chia seeds has 42 grams of carbs but most of it is in form of fibers, making net carbs only 12 grams. Therefore, it is suitable for low-carb or gluten-free diets. It is an excellent choice of food for those looking for healthy weight loss.  Just 2 tablespoons of these seeds have nearly 10 grams of fiber, which is nearly half of the recommended daily intake (RDI). This is higher than flaxseeds, amaranth, and quinoa.  Now you know why it deserves the superfood tag.

Warriors’ food

  • Dense in nutrients: Just a single ounce of chia seeds contains many nutrients as we’ve seen above. This means that you only need a small amount to enjoy the benefits.
  • Rich in omega-3: Fatty acids have a range of benefits from serving as energy for the organs to promoting brain, heart, and eye health, reducing symptoms of metabolic syndrome, and fighting autoimmune diseases.

Chia seeds

  • Improves bone health: Chia seeds contain nutrients that are important for bone health like proteins, phosphorus, and magnesium. They contain more calcium per gram than dairy products, which makes them an ideal choice for vegans and individuals who are lactose-intolerant.
  • Packed with antioxidants: The body produces molecules called free radicals that can increase the risk of many diseases. Antioxidants, which are found in chia seeds, can prevent the production of free radicals to keep the body healthy, reduce cell damage, and even reduce aging.
  • Lowers blood sugar: The body needs an optimum level of blood sugar for energy. Too much of it can lead to complications of the kidneys, heart, nerves, and eyes, which diabetics are at risk of. Chia seeds can regulate blood sugar levels and help prevent associated conditions.
  • Helps reduce inflammation: Inflammation is the body’s response to disease and injury but chronic inflammation can cause harm as the immune system begins attacking healthy tissue and organs.

How can WE use it?

The ancient practice of having chia seeds is validated by nutritional science. The more you include the healthier choices that are enjoyable, the more likely you will push out highly refined & processed foods from your daily life. The interesting thing about chia seeds is that their fibers are mucilaginous, which means they swell into a gel form by soaking water and other fluids. It is this quality of chia seeds that helps you create a variety of chia seeds dishes.


There is a lot you can create with Chia seeds

create with Chia seeds

The most popular way to Chia seeds is to have them as “Pudding” or “Porridge”. For a low-carb version, you need to soak it in non-dairy milk such as coconut milk or almond milk for a minimum of 6-8 hours and leave it in the fridge. They swell and become gelatinous. Use a few drops of Stevia to sweeten it and garnish it with low-carb fruits such as berries. You have a most scrumptious hassle-free dessert or breakfast ready.

breakfast ready

For porridge-like texture, add more “milk” and garnish it with seeds & nuts. You can create many versions by tweaking the recipe with Vanilla, Chocolate, or as you like it. It is as easy as that. You could also sprout it or sprinkle it over salads and enjoy it for lunch and dinner. You can always add the soaked chia seeds to your smoothie for texture and nutrition.


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